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- alt.tv.x-files 20 Questions To Be Read Before Posting
- Revised 3/16/96
- Compiled by Cliff Chen
- NOTE: Lines preceded by a '+' indicates that this information has been
- added/updated since the previous posting.
- This is a weekly post designed to prevent anyone from asking any "stupid"
- questions. This is not to be confused with Pat Gonzales's X-Files FAQ,
- which is a very complete FAQ for the show itself.
- Please try to keep flaming to a minimum and if you must flame someone
- for a troll post (i.e. - "X-Files sucks! Get a life!"), then do it through
- e-mail. In addition, for a full week after an episode has aired, be SURE
- to mark all posts containing spoiler information CLEARLY. (BTW, typing a
- ^ and an L will NOT work, you need an editor which will allow you to
- create an actual CTRL-L.)
- Fans of the show based in the United Kingdom and Australia might want
- to check out uk.media.tv.sf.x-files and aus.tv.x-files respectively, which
- should contain no spoiler information from episodes being shown in the US.
- Q: What episodes are scheduled to be broadcast?
- +A: For 3/22: "Born Again" (Rebroadcast)
- + 3/29: "Hell Money"
- Q: Are the X-Files based on true stories?
- A: No. But elements of the stories have been taken from true-life
- accounts. The notice preceding the pilot episode was there for
- effect. A statement from the FBI declared that there are no real
- life X-Files.
- Q: Who is the mysterious man who Mulder gets information from?
- A: In season 1, "Deep Throat," (abbreviated DT) is apparently a powerful
- figure in the government, for more info, see the Deep Throat FAQ. He
- is played by actor Jerry Hardin. In season 2, the new informant,
- played by Steven Williams, is known as "Mr. X." Mulder's method of
- requesting contact usually involves shining a light out of his
- apartment window in some unique way. We've seen a blue light for DT
- and a masking tape 'X' for Mr. X.
- Q: Will Mulder and Scully ever become romantically or sexually involved?
- A: The show's creator and executive producer, Chris Carter has stated that
- he has no plans for this to happen and anticipates none in the future.
- Q: Why do I keep seeing clocks that read 11:21?
- A: 11/21 is Chris Carter's wife's birthday. It is slipped in as a running
- tribute to her. Additionally, 10/13 (as in Ten Thirteen Productions)
- is Chris' birthday.
- Q: Is there any sort of X-Files merchandise?
- A: The list seems to be constantly growing. The following products are
- guaranteed as official products:
- Baseball caps (3 different designs)
- 3 coffee mugs (4 if you count the larger size of one)
- Posters: one is the two half-faces and logo, the other is Mulder and
- Scully before a blue-lit doorway. A poster of the painting
- "Mulder's Nightmare" by Sue Coe which was in the 9/29
- Entertainment Weekly is now available through their store, see the
- magazine for details (Item #CTP001)
- T-Shirts: Many designs, including one long-sleeved.
- Wool & Leather Jacket
- Windbreaker
- Comic series: Issues #1-11, Collected #1-2, Annual #1, Collected
- Edition (#1-6), Digest #1
- Novels: _The X-Files: Goblins_ by Charles L. Grant
- ISBN 0-06-105414-3
- _The X-Files: Whirlwind_ by Charles L. Grant
- ISBN 0-06-105415-1
- _The X-Files: Ground Zero_ by Kevin J. Anderson (Hardcover)
- ISBN 0-06-105223-X
- The audiobook of _Ground Zero.
- _The Truth Is Out There_, a guide to the show by Brian Lowry,
- ISBN 0-06-105330-9
- _The Unofficial X-Files Companion_, a discussion of the show by N.E.
- Genge, ISBN 0-517-88601-4
- _The X-Files Book of the Unexplained: Volume I_ by Jane Goldman, a
- comprehensive look at the first season. UK hardcover only,
- + ISBN 0-684-81633-4 (US version soon)
- A series of paperbacks based on the episodes aimed at a younger
- audience-10 and older:
- _The X-Files: X Marks the Spot" by Les Martin
- ISBN 0-06-440613-x
- _The X-Files: Darkness Falls" by Les Martin
- ISBN 0-06-440614-8
- _The X-files: Tiger Tiger_ by Les Martin -
- ISBN 0-06-44062-1
- + _The X-Files: Squeeze_ by Ellen Steiber
- + ISBN 0-06-440621-0
- Audiobook of _Ground Zero_, read by Gillian Anderson,
- ISBN 0-69451-620-1
- Gallery Photos
- Japanese Videotapes of the first several episodes, subbed in
- Japanese.
- UK Videotapes - NOTE: These will be in PAL format which is NOT
- compatible with U.S. VCRs.
- Series 1 & 2 trading cards by Topps
- 1996 calendar by Landmark Calendars - ISBN 0-78-191190-7
- Phone Cards: $10 worth of calling
- Mousepads
- Official magazine
- The following products are either bootleg or discontinued:
- Polo Shirt Sweatshirt Keychain Letterman Jacket
- Some of the apparel and photos can be ordered through Delphi's online
- service (which has just reopened for business) or have also been found
- in Suncoast Video and Sam Goody/Musicland stores. Alternatively, you
- may e-mail starland@aol.com your name and snail mail address to receive
- a catalog of what they carry.
- Future Products include:
- Large-sized trading cards from Topps.
- An official UK fan magazine
- Soundtrack featuring Mark Snow's music (Delayed until '96)
- Soundtrack featuring music inspired by the show (March 26)
- An X-Files pinball game from Sega.
- An X-Files movie (1997)
- US videos and laserdiscs (March 1996)
- _Ruins_, the next X-Files novel (April)
- Cloisonne Pins (March 1996)
- The "I Want to Believe" poster in the X-Files office is a studio prop
- but I believe that Starland has created a mock-up which they sell.
- Q: If Star Trek fans are Trekkies, then what are X-Files fans?
- A: Chris Carter originally called us "File-o-philes." However,
- dissatisfied with that name, the members of this newsgroup decided on
- "X-Philes," a name which seems to have become universally accepted.
- Q: I wrote/have an idea for an episode, what should I do with it?
- A: One of two things.
- 1) Post it to alt.tv.x-files.creative (if your site carries it) and/or
- upload it to the ftp.cs.nmt.edu FTP site. It is preferable that
- you do not post fan-fiction to this newsgroup, but if you must,
- then please CLEARLY label it as FAN-FICTION in the subject header.
- 2) Nothing, Chris Carter & co. are not interested and do not accept
- scripts from writers without agents.
- Q: I found this great GIF/JPG of the actors/show, how should I post it?
- A: Don't. Binary files have NO place on alt.tv.x-files. Instead, post it
- to alt.binaries.pictures or alt.binaries.pictures.misc and drop
- alt.tv.x-files a note that you put it there.
- Q: What else has David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson appeared in?
- A: See the X-Files FAQ for DD and GA, it's fairly complete so odds are that
- if you saw them in something which isn't new, it's old news. One thing
- which isn't mentioned in the FAQ is Duchovny's AT&T commercial spot.
- And no, that is NOT Gillian in the Saturn commercials (if you must
- know, the woman's name is Katie Brown -- she's NOT an actress).
- Q: What is the marital status of David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson?
- +A: David Duchovny is still single, and has recently broken up with Perrey
- + Reeves. (She made a guest appearance in episode 2.7, "3")
- Gillian Anderson was married during the filming of the first season
- and gave birth to a baby girl, Piper on Sept. 25, 1994. So, she missed
- a single episode, "3", while on leave. You will also not see any shots
- of her below the chest in the first 6 episodes of season 2. And there
- will be some natural growth after the pregnancy. The pregnancy itself
- was not written into the show, i.e. - NO alien babies, at least, from
- Scully.
- Q: Where can I send fan mail to the actors/production staff?
- A: Send the mail (addressed to the appropriate person) to:
- _The X-Files_
- c/o Fox Broadcasting Company
- P.O. Box 900
- Beverly Hills, CA 90213
- Q: Where can I send Gillian/David/Chris Carter/FOX e-mail?
- A: Delphi has set up an e-mail address specifically for comments on the
- show. The address is:
- the_xfiles@delphi.com
- The VP of Programming Research at Fox has an e-mail account:
- foxnet@delphi.com
- Please include the title of the show(s) you are discussing in the
- subject header.
- Please note, one of the posters to this newsgroup is
- coincidentally named Chris Carter, but he is not the man who created
- this show.
- Gillian and David have claimed computer illiteracy and as such,
- they have no e-mail addresses.
- Q: Where do the episode titles come from?
- A: They are given by the writers and appear in the Episode Guide as they
- do on the scripts and in some local television listings. Check your
- local paper to see if they list them. They do NOT appear in TV Guide.
- In addition, the titles are shown just previous to the satellite feed
- of the show. But regular viewers will not see the titles anywhere in
- the episode.
- Q: Where can I get the Episode Guide/X-Files FAQ/GA FAQ/DD FAQ?
- A: The Episode Guide and FAQ are posted at the start of each month to the
- newsgroup. Alternatively, you can download a copy via FTP from the
- (*) indicated sites.
- Q: Where are the FTP sites for X-Files material?
- A: (*) ftp.cs.nmt.edu in /xfiles (Most complete, including fanfiction)
- (*) ftp.rutgers.edu in /pub/x-files (Mirror of ftp.cs.nmt.edu)
- gossamer.eng.ohio-state.edu in /pub/archives/x-files (Creative archive)
- Q: I heard there is an X-Files mailing list? How do I subscribe?
- A: In the USA:
- Send e-mail containing the words "subscribe X-FILES" to:
- majordomo@chaos.taylored.com
- Note: A digest version of the list is also available by typing
- "subscribe X-FILES-DIGEST" instead.
- In the UK:
- Discussions here will be for episodes currently being shown in the UK.
- Subscription is done the same as for above, but the address to use is:
- listproc@uel.ac.uk
- In Germany:
- Send mail with "subscribe xf-de" in the body to:
- listserv@stargate.pfalz.de
- Q: Is there a WWW home page for the show?
- A: Yes, there are VERY many, with more being added each month. Here is a
- list of those which are exceptional, or provide something unique:
- http://www.TheX-Files.com/ (The Official FOX X-Files page)
- http://www.rutgers.edu/x-files.html (Very reliable)
- http://duggy.extern.ucsd.edu/linny-cgi/HTML_serv?index.html (Starter)
- http://www.ssc.com/~roland/x-files/x-files.html ("BFI" home page)
- http://www.uml.edu/~ccashman/x-files/x-files.html (Best of a.t.x)
- http://www.infinet.com/~rkidder/x-files/top.html (Magazine articles)
- http://www.wam.umd.edu/~kris (Contains some hard-to-find stuff)
- + http://www.webcom.com/~munchkyn/x-files.html (Sarah Stegall's reviews)
- http://web20.mindlink.net/a4369/ (Contains unique interviews & pics)
- http://dxhra1.desy.de/~cborys/tv/xf.html (Vancouver information)
- http://www.cs.nmt.edu/xfiles/ (Mirror of the FTP site)
- http://www.neosoft.com/sbanks/xfiles/xfiles.html (Video clips)
- http://www.netaxs.com/~hager/x-files.html (Quicktime video clips)
- http://eewww.eng.ohio-state.edu/~juodvalk/x-files (Fanfiction)
- http://www.egr.uh.edu/~escco/DDEB.html (DDEB Home Page)
- http://www.webcom.com/~walterh (Duchovniks' home page)
- http://www.phoenix.net/~kinase/GATB/gatb.html (GATB home page)
- http://www.tpoint.net/~rmayhall/main.html (Mitch Pileggi page)
- http://www.gatech.edu/lcc/idt/Students/Penberthy/X-Files/ (cont'd)
- UnofficialChannels.html (Walter Skinner page)
- http://rschp2.anu.edu.au:8080/XFiles.html (Australia)
- http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~simc/xfiles.html (Australia)
- http://gpu2.srv.ualberta.ca/~vichan/www/x-files.html (Canada)
- http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~kleinhen/bin/lwgate (German mail list)
- http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~stdcu/x-files/x-files.html (Ireland)
- http://www.cs.unibo.it/~cobianch/index.html (Italy)
- http://www.stack.urc.tue.nl/~danny/x-files.html (Netherlands)
- http://bundy.hibo.no/~Larsen/x-files/x-files.html (in Norwegian)
- http://www.iscs.nus.sg/~chengmin/xfiles/xf.html (Singapore)
- http://www.zynet.co.uk/simon/x-files/ (United Kingdom)
- http://metro.turnpike.net/~ptang/index.html (uk.media.sf.tv.x-files)
- http://www.io.org/~jshum (Lots of links)
- Q: What is IRC and when is the X-Files channel open?
- A: IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is sort of a party line for
- computer users. The channel is named #xf, and militant bots are NOT
- welcome. The chats usually take place before/during/after episodes are
- shown in the US. For more experienced netrunners, there is also a MUS
- at: port 7777
- Q: Is there any sort of official fan club?
- A: Yes. There are two. The first is older and more established, however
- is only SOMETIMES considered official by Fox. You can get more info
- by sending a SASE to:
- The X-Files Fan Club In Canada:
- P.O. Box 3138 c/o S. Bartle
- Nashua, NH 03061-3138 4404 Perry Street
- Vancouver, B.C.
- The new official fan club is getting ready to open its doors to
- membership, but will not be getting under way until mid-June. If you
- wish to contact them early, you may do so via US Mail at:
- The Official X-Files Fan Club
- 411 North Central Ave
- Suite 300
- Glendale, CA 91203